Mar 10, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

I had the same problem for years, and it started during a time of great stress in my life (mid-30s). I called it my "early wakeup" problem, and my mother had it too, for decades. She was a diagnosed "highly anxious" bipolar (it was called "manic depression" in those days). I tried 3mg melatonin after reading a protocol for insomnia at the Life Extension website:


That took care of it. Sure, I still woke up, as I needed to go to the toilet, but I was able to fall asleep easily after that, once I started taking melatonin. And then even better was when I discovered "timed release" (over 6 hours) melatonin.

I was interested to see that slow-release/extended release melatonin was listed as one of the first-line therapies recommended by the FLCCC for post-vaccine treatments and early Covid treatments; e.g., see pg 14 at this link:


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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

Thank you for sharing about your insomnia…I too wake up, usually around 1:30 - 2am. Have trouble falling back to sleep and have to get up and read before going back to bed and hopefully sleeping some more. I guess I’m lucky in the fact that I’m seldom ever drowsy.

Also, I’ve never known of ANYONE that’s gone to a sleep clinic that did NOT need a machine prescribed for them….as well as follow up studies in the years to come.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

Nasal issues: add eucalyptus oil very very small amount to the water. I personally like to add sodium ascorbate also. I use sea salt , distilled water, xylitol and eucalyptus and sometimes the sodium ascorbate. In 4oz of water I use about 1/4 t of xylitol 1/8 t salt and 3 -4 drops NOW brand eucalyptus oil.

A friend in his 50’s has suffered all his life with nasal congestion that had little known etiology. He moved three years ago (just before covid) to Florida. He says his doctor in Florida suggested putting Vaseline in his nose (just in the external part, inside but not far up was his implication). That sounds dangerous to me (I’m not a fan of petroleum jelly)so maybe I didn’t understand fully. However, I tried coconut oil instead. I find it stuffs me up briefly but seemed to have a healing effect long term and I find I am breathing Slightly better in the morning. Texas is full of allergies and I use various methods to control. Mine are very bad without intervention. Just a suggestion. I have not however tried this for long. While it’s an experiment it seems to work somewhat.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

I am glad you have found something that helps!

Insomnia and I are well acquainted. I have had 2 sleep studies, 10 years and 50 lbs ( downward!) apart. Neither dx'd apnea, but both said I snored prodigiously.

I suspect I did not sleep well enough in either case, to get an accurate reading.

Eventually, I discovered a severe cellular magnesium deficiency. Addressing this has helped a lot, but hasn't fixed the problem. Mind you, my mag is still low, just not AS low

Research continues. I may try the aspirin!

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CBD for sleep. HTP. Ashwaganda. I recognize it’s hard not to go to the internet during insomnia times but bluelight devices have been shown very bad for sleep. As I sit here hypocritically looking at my phone at almost 11pm LOL....... ok I’m DEFINITELY PREACHING TO MYSELF. On that one. Blessed night sleep. Glad these things helped. You may have reset your body clock by the way with these remedies. White willow bark is supposed to be better than aspirin without some of the stomach side effects. However it may not in most formulations be as strong in the compounds that are helping you. I think the correct chemical word is Salicines, or Salicilates (? I’ll have to look it up). So maybe stick with the low dose aspirin unless you research it.

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P.s. I will try aspirin.

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