Feb 8, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

Justice is mine, sayeth the Lord.

Pity we can't always see it happen though. There is a very human satisfaction in seeing justice played out

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Well said and you covered many points with one succinct post! I love it and reading things like this keeps my fierceness burning hot. I need that...and also the camaraderie of standing alone with others.♥

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Well said, Ms Oh!

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Bad people seem to prosper, but inside they are melting. They become completely hollow, lost to themselves. Persecution is nothing compared to that.

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Over the target, indeed.

You've illuminated some number of passages from scripture that illuminate the fact that doing the right can make oneself a target ... because one is over The Target, and the folks who police The Target perceive one's speaking up as a threat.

So, here's a question: Does scripture elaborate on why the Keepers of The Target perceive a threat? If one's speaking up is inconsequential, then the Keepers don't need to throw up flak. But, they may throw up flak if they perceive strategic advantage to it.


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