I’m happy for you girl. It’s just not worth it to put up with all that. Welcome back! πŸ’›

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

As a several-generations-in Canadian, I feel like I have nowhere to go.

Stories like yours need to be heard more. I think maybe it's starting. Even MSM is noticing that a lot of immigrants are returning home.

Two days ago, I heard of a recent immigrant who had to send her baby and toddler back to her parents in the home country.

Her husband worked two jobs when they came to Canada. He stressed himself into kidney failure. She went to work but he couldn't care for the children. They were living in a wet basement "apartment" with no windows.

Fortunately, strangers caught wind and stepped in. Their situation is now vastly improved and is still being worked on.

I hope someone called in the moldy illegal suite.

And now I read of you, too. Canadians do need to wake up

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Oh Susanna

You are not the only one. You are very lucky to be able to move to a country that at least has a Constitution that values liberty, and has the First and Second amendments. I have trouble finding government numbers for how many people are leaving Canada, but I'm sure there has been a spike.

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I too left Toronto and seldom return. It was wonderful once. All of Canada seemed so clean and organized--the leadership was positive and concerned for the well being of the people. (the previous Trudeau excepted) But now even though I often travel in a way that it would be easier to go through southern Ontario, I simply avoid it. I still have family there but they enjoy coming to visit me. Sad, really.

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Wow...what an eye opener. Thanks for the honest and painfully forthright piece. Take care and I will say a prayer for you.β™₯

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Well, don't come to the mid-west USA. Before I purchased a home, (miracle from God), I paid $2,000/month to rent a house with rats. There is a lack of housing and the management companies take advantage.

Best wishes and keep us posted!!!

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For years I had to listen to friends say how wonderful Canada. Their eyes have been truly opened with Covid.

My family, especially in the Eastern European part, were part of the deplorables that came to US shores. I always felt a kinship with recent immigrants knowing my family is only a few generations removed from their plight. But Cesar Chavez knew a continuous influx of immigrants meant cheap labor. Basic economics. That is point one. The second point is the same as you make, you can't absorb everyone fast enough. If you go to a restaurant or bar there is a limit on the people for safety reasons. But there is something worse, people who built out the business infrastructure and safety net are now being displaced. This columnist from France, says it best with his sardonic wit. https://open.substack.com/pub/dupontlajoie/p/why-they-hate-us?r=56y1f&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Dec 4, 2023Β·edited Dec 4, 2023

I would like to leave the city I am in, as well, Portland OR. However, to sell my house I have to dissolve a shared mortgage, otherwise I can't afford to relocate. So, perhaps I am 'trapped' here, so to speak. The is no a single person I know who I can really converse with, in any depth. Complete denial of the jabocide, I find it so frustrating. Without y'all around here, (aware substackers), I would feel more isolated for sure. We will see how it goes I suppose, eh?

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